Make an Impact Today
The Hope Station runs on the passion and commitment of our volunteers and community partners. We serve those in our community who are hungry or homeless – individuals and families who need the support of their fellow neighbors right now.
Will you join us today? Learn about all the ways you can get involved below.
Join Our Team of Volunteers
The Hope Station began its ministry in 1987, founded by faith leaders in Wilson County, NC who wanted to respond to human need and suffering in a more collaborative and efficient manner. We began in Wilson’s old fire station until we moved into our existing building at the corner of Goldsboro and Lee Streets in 2009.
Everyone needs a helping hand at some point. We believe our volunteers and community partners can make a real difference in the lives of our fellow Wilsonians.
“God loves the stranger, giving him food and clothing. Love the stranger therefore; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.”
Deuteronomy 10:17-19
“I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in.”
Matthew 25:35
Here at the Hope Station, we don’t just have a heart to help our neighbors who are in crisis. We put love into action and we need you to join us.
Donate to the Food Pantry
We offer one of the first “Client Choice” Food Pantries in eastern North Carolina that operates three days each week (except holidays), every week of the year. This pantry model allows clients to make their own selections based on food preferences, dietary needs/restrictions, and cooking capacities. Volunteers assist each clients in making food selections. By nearly all accounts, client responses to Hope Station’s pantry style are overwhelmingly positive, with comments as general as, “I like it!” to as specific as, “I got to choose everything I needed for a whole meal.”
The pantry is organized to distribute food based on the “Choose My Plate” nutrition recommendations. Every attempt is made to offer food choices from each of the five food groups at each pantry day.
To offer the most nutritious foods possible, below is the list of foods we try to keep stocked in the Pantry. In addition, there are items noted for special dietary needs.
We are grateful to our partner food stores who make regular contributions of meats and breads that are distributed with the food items donated by community members.
Donations may be delivered to Hope Station during office hours (Monday – Thursday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm; Friday, 8:00 am – 1:00 pm), and by appointment at other times. Arrangements may be made for Hope Station staff to pick up large collections of food.
The items marked with (*) are particularly needed at this time.
Shelf Stable Products
- Canned tuna or chicken
- Peanut butter
- Pudding cups * (with milk listed as first ingredient)
- Healthy cereal
- Oatmeal
- Applesauce
- Canned fruit in natural juice
- 100% fruit juices
- Canned vegetables, including low salt (no green beans currently needed)
- Dried beans of any kind
- Canned beans
- Spaghetti sauce
- Plain pastas & noodles (including whole wheat)
- Rice
Fresh Products
- Eggs *
- Cheese * (especially 1 oz. cheese sticks & small packages)
- Yogurt cups *
- Fresh produce from farms & gardens, when available
Special Dietary Items
- Salt free foods
- Gluten free foods
- Sugar-free foods
Personal Hygiene Items
- Travel size shampoo, conditioner, lotion, bath soap (unopened, please)
- Feminine hygiene products
- Depends – size small
- Toilet paper
- Disposable diapers – sizes 3 & 4
Other Items
- Books
- Magazines

“I have a passion to make sure people eat. This is one of the most organized pantries I’ve ever seen. They really want to help people and not just make themselves feel good.”
Brock, Retired Army Logistics Officer and Hope Station Volunteer
Volunteer in the Food Pantry
Would you like to make a direct impact on the lives of our neighbors in Wilson? Join our team of committed volunteers to assist clients with making their food selections, screen clients, sort donated food or stock pantry shelves.
Volunteers typically serve once a month on Monday, Wednesday or Friday between 9am and 11:30am, although you can serve more often if you want to!
Download the volunteer application and then email the completed application to our Pantry Volunteer Coordinator. They will get you on the schedule and support you as you learn the ropes.
Other Ways to Make an Impact
Organize a Drive
Several organizations and churches in our community organize food or supply drives to rapidly restock the shelves of our pantry.
We would love to talk with you if you are interested so we can share what works best and coordinate timing so our shelves are stocked year-round.
Operating a community-wide food pantry, 2 shelters and a broad financial assistance program takes the financial investment of the whole community.
Become a financial supporter of the Hope Station by making a one-time or recurring gift to support our operations, or by supporting an active capital campaign.
Assist the Men’s Shelter
You could cook and deliver an evening meal for the shelter guests. Or, Provide the ingredients for the shelter guests to cook their own evening meal or weekend breakfast.
Provide a birthday cake for shelter residents. Or collect warm clothing for winter (new or gently-used coats, gloves, hats, warm socks).
Spread the Word
Do you know others who might be interested in volunteering at the Hope Station?
Do you know someone who might benefit from our services?
Volunteer in the Office
You could assist with electronic data entry of Food Pantry clients.
Or, assist with the website and social media design and updates.
“Helping people move forward, thinking positive about their future, knowing there is a way out. That’s how I give people hope.”
Kenneth, Shelter Supervisor

Become a Church, Corporate or Community Partner
Our partners recognize and respond to the needs of our neighbors. They do some heavy lifting to make sure the Hope Station can fulfill its mission both now and for years to come.
Do you work for a company that wants to make an impact in their community? Do you attend a church that wants to give members an opportunity to live out the call of Christ to serve those who are hungry or homeless? Are you part of a civic group, school or government agency who has resources that could help us meet the needs of our community? Check out how we impact our community and then read on for ways you can join our team.
Sponsor a Fundraising Event
Our Board of Directors hosts multiple fundraising events throughout the year. Our partners are critical to the success of those fundraisers with sponsorships, in-kind donations and publicity.
Give to Support Our Mission
Along with individual donations, we rely on regular giving from our partners to provide a stable and reliable foundation of funding for our mission.
Consider making Hope Station a part of your annual giving.
Improve Our Facilities
Looking for a service project for your organization? We always have opportunities to spruce up our existing facilities or improve operations with special projects.
Consider making your people available to volunteer or providing in-kind donations for a project.
Organize a Food Drive
Do you reach a lot of people in our community who would be willing to help us stock our shelves full of food? Or do you have a willing army of volunteers who would could collect food from around the city?
Large, community food drives go a long way to ensuring we have enough food for our community.
Raise Money for the Hope Station
Encourage the community to join you in your support of the Hope Station. Sell goods or services during the annual Whirligig Festival, do a BBQ plate sale, or silent auction to raise support for the Hope Station.
Multiple fundraisers each year to support the operational budget of the Hope Station. Fundraisers are a great opportunity to spread the word about our mission at the same time. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for information on upcoming fundraisers.
Below is a typical schedule of fundraisers we do each year.
Spring | Golf Tournament |
Summer | Music for Hope Benefit Concert |
November/December | Thanksgiving Donation Drive |
How could you or your organization help?
- Spread the word
- Volunteer
- Be a corporate sponsor
Ready to help?